It's Monday Feb 13

This is my first venture into the "It's Monday" scene... I hope I'm doing it right!

Visit the hosts of the meme at Teach Mentor Texts
It was a relatively slow reading week for me. I think I got out of the gate quickly in January (I completed 9 Newbery books, including 4 from the 20s and some more recent ones) and slowed down a bit recently. 

Graphic Novels / Comics
I did try to start up a specific pin board on Pinterest devoted to graphic novels and comics for kids. I'll try to indicate what age band the books there are best for, as not all of them will be appropriate for the under 5th (or 6th) grade crew. Check out my board and let me know (via comments here, there, or Twitter @mselke01) what else I should add. Working on that board got me reading some graphic novels this past week:

Amulet 2 and Amulet 3 - These are fabulous graphic novels! I had to wrestle them out of my students' hands so I could have a shot at them. Highly recommended. Fun art and a strong female protagonist. 

I'm currently reading Gladstone's School for World Conquerors - a graphic novel about a school for villains. My sons have each read it about 5 times over the weekend, and I keep having to steal it back from them to finish it. 

Nerdbery Challenge:
I'm working my way through Trumpeter of Krakow (1929). I'm enjoying it, which is a nice change from some of the others from the 20s. 

For me:

Pathfinder - by Orson Scott Card. This is classified as YA (but could easily be just for strong upper elementary). It's a science fiction book. Hasn't been my favorite by him so far, but I'm enjoying it as a break from the 20s Newbery books.

Star Wars - The Thrawn Trilogy book 1. I'm a huge Star Wars fan, but haven't really read many of the books.

This week's favorites were Batgirl #6, Star Wars Dawn of the Jedi #1 (It comes out this week, but I had an early review copy), and Love and Capes volume 2. (I included Love and Capes in my pinboard for comics for kids. It's a romantic comedy style that could appeal to upper elementary kids through high school)

Bedtime Reading with my sons (second and fourth graders)

Wrinkle in Time (Yes, again). I just read it in January, but my second grade son will be going to see it as a play in May. I decided he should experience the book first, so we are reading it together at bedtime. He declared it "a bit boring at the beginning", but is hooked now. 

Lost Hero - Riordan. This is my older son's bedtime reading choice. Of course, he's read it about 4 times already so he keeps spoiling it for me. He also keeps saying lines aloud with his favorite character (Leo) and giggling. Too cute. 

My goal for this week is to try to wrap up some of the books I'm in the middle of before starting more! 


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